jsDatePick is a javascript date picker that uses DOM techniques to generate its HTML code. Read the parameters and working examples below, and within minutes, you can have a popup date picking solution on your website.
Read below for full documentation of parameters, and to download jsDatePick. We developed jsDatePick as a custom date picking module for our web-based money management software - check it out if you like.
This is an example of the JsDatePick calendar in action
with an input field - The user launches the calendar by entering the input field,
and then chooses a date, automatically returning the selected date to the field. This is the most basic use of a javascript calendar.
new JsDatePick({ useMode:2, target:"aFieldId" });
jsDatePick has a range of parameters for extending or limiting default functionality. See the full parameter list above for
a complete list. The following statement shows exactly what is possible.
new JsDatePick({ useMode:2, target:"aFieldId", isStripped:false, selectedDate:{ year:2009, month:4, day:16 }, yearsRange: new Array(1971,2100), limitToToday:true, });
This is an HTML direct-appending example of the JsDatePick calendar. When used with this method, it's recommended to keep the reference to the Javascript object in order to retrieve the selected date later on when the calendar is clicked. This is done by setting a function to the predefined onSelected event handler, using the method JsDatePick.setOnSelectedDelegate (function(){ alert("a date has been chosen!"); });
g_calendarObject = new JsDatePick({ useMode:1, isStripped:true, target:"aFieldId", cellColorScheme:"armygreen" }); g_calendarObject.setOnSelectedDelegate(function(){ var obj = g_calendarObject.getSelectedDay(); alert("a date was just selected and the date is : " + obj.day + "/" + obj.month + "/" + obj.year); });